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How to Fastercise

Fastercise Program Building Blocks

Fastercise is really simple to implement. The two key components of the program are: 


1. Using instinctive exercise

2. Managing your exercise according to your appetite


Let's break these down. 

Part 1: Using Instinctive Exercise

When we say "instinctive exercise," we mean exercise that the body does naturally or instinctively. Did you know that shivering and stretching in the morning are two forms of instinctive exercise? In fact, with how long humans have been on the earth, the body has learned that these two forms of exercise are THE BEST at performing certain tasks.




Shivering is the body's fastest way to burn body fat. This is why you shiver when you're about to freeze to death. In this dangerous situation, you need to keep moving and warm up. Burning body fat gives you warmth and energy, which helps you get to safety. 


But get this: you don't need to be cold to enjoy the benefits of shivering! By shivering for just one minute, you can burn enough fat to push your hunger off for up to two hours. 


To shiver, you just need to move your arms and legs back and forth about 2 inches, as fast as you can. Remember, when you shiver, the movements are really tiny. The most important thing: move as fast as you possibly can. 


You'll only be able to do it for about a minute or less, since it's such an intense exercise.


You'll probably feel very winded and sweaty, but that's a good thing! You've worked hard enough to push off your hunger. 




When you do a nice long stretch in the morning, what you're really doing is tightening certain muscles as hard as you can for 3-5 seconds. And this tightening is the body's fastest and easiest way to build muscle. Have you ever wondered why you contort into really strange positions sometimes when you first wake up? This is the body's natural way to strengthen muscles you probably don't even realize you have. By tightening intentionally throughout the day, you're signaling your body to build your muscles.

To tighten, first choose a muscle or muscle group. For this example, we'll use biceps.


You want to "ball-up" or shorten your muscle as much as possible. So for your bicep, you'll bring your fist up to your shoulder, and then flex your bicep as hard as you can for 3-5 seconds.


By balling up your muscle, you engage as many of your muscle's cross-bridges as possible. This will build your muscle very quickly. 


We recommend working through a routine that hits each of your major muscle groups. A beginner's routine will only take about one minute. 


If you think about it, you rarely max out your muscles at the gym. If lifted as much weight as you could POSSIBLY lift, you'd risk injury. But, when you flex your muscle as hard as possible just on your own, you don't risk injury. And even better, you build muscle better than you could by lifting weight. 





Now imagine for a moment that you only exercise three times a week. If you do that, you're really missing out on many opportunities to communicate with the body. On the other hand, if you do 5 one-minute bursts of Fastercise each day, that adds up to 35 communications over the course of a week. That's 35 times you've instructed the body to burn fat and build muscle. And this is why our clients get such major results: we work in harmony with the body. 

Part 2: Managing Exercise According to Appetite

We believe that counting calories makes people sad and is totally unnecessary. In his book, The Power of Fastercise,  Dr. Denis Wilson points out that the body is perfectly capable of figuring out how many calories you need to eat. And your body can even tell you how much food you need to eat. How is this possible? Through hunger. In fact, your body can handle many more variables than any calorie counter. For example, the amount of food you need can change day-to-day depending on how many steps you've taken, how well you slept, your stress levels, and so much more. Your body really is the ONLY entity that can accurately tell you exactly how much food you need to eat. 


Hunger is the body's way of communicating with you. When your stomach runs out of food, your body lets you know through hunger. But in fact, hunger is really a question: where are we going to get more fuel? You can make hunger go away in two ways: 

1. Eat

2. Tell your body to burn body fat 


You can really get rid of your hunger by telling your body to burn fat! When you think about it, fat is just stored food that your body has saved up from previous meals. So, when you use body fat to make your hunger go away, it's basically like pulling out that pizza you ate a few years ago and "enjoying" it a second time. 







When you get hungry, we recommend first doing one minute of shivering to push your hunger off. This makes a few things happen: 

1. Your hunger will go away for up to 2 hours

2. You'll burn fat because those calories will be used to keep you going

3. Your metabolism will be stronger and faster

4. You'll feel more alert and focused *

*All of the scientific reasons behind these results are outlined in the book, The Power of Fastercise


Then later, when you get hungry again, you can eat! As we like to say, if you're going around hungry, you're doing it wrong. Hunger is actually a sign that you're burning muscle. Have you ever wondered why people frequently rebound weight they've lost after they stop the diet? And sometimes they even gain more than they lost? When you go around hungry all the time, you're burning muscle.


When you burn your muscle, your metabolism slows down. Translation: you're actually WORSE AT BURNING CALORIES! After going around hungry all the time, you​'re actually more prone to weight gain than you were before. So, we recommend pushing off your hunger with exercise, which burns fat instead of muscle. And then, when the hunger returns, you can eat. 

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We say that you should eat until your hunger goes away, no more, no less. If you eat too much or too little, this sends a signal to your body that food supply is unpredictable. And since your body is designed to survive, it will store fat, just in case you need it when a famine hits. 






Within one hour of eating, we recommend doing one minute of tightening exercise. This directs your body to build your muscles with the food you've just eaten. Your body can choose to do a lot of different things with the food that you eat. The actions the body takes are dictated by its priorities. And you can influence the priority list. How? When you tighten your muscles soon after eating, you link eating food with the strength of specific muscles. Since the body cares a lot about getting food, it will prioritize building those muscles. So, by tightening after a meal, you let your body know that building those muscles are a priority. And it's as simple as that! 



Program Customization

Fastercise is without a doubt, the most flexible fitness program on earth. If you're a busy professional, a stay-at-home mom, surgeon, teacher, retiree, or pretty much anything else, you can do Fastercise, and this can fit your schedule. 


What if you don't have set meal times? No problem, you can do Fastercise in the couple of minutes you have throughout the day. 


What if you have injuries or health conditions that make exercising difficult? We're pretty sure you can do Fastercise. As we like to say, if someone is capable of shivering or stretching in the morning, they can do Fastercise. We have many different exercise options that can fit your specific needs. We've had people from teenagers to ninety-year-old's do this program, and Fastercise fit for them all. 


As we like to say, Fastercise works when nothing else will. 


Welcome to the Fastercise Movement. 



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