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Lose Body Fat By NOT Going Hungry

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

Hunger is a sign you're burning muscle. You actually have a better chance of losing bodyfat if you push off hunger with exercise throughout the day.

“Eat less, exercise more” is perhaps the most common advice doctors give for losing excess body fat. Despite this advice, the average body mass index for adults in the US has reached 30, which is the definition of obesity.  In other words, it is now typical for US adults to be obese. Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and dementia.  So, what can we do to turn this around?

The Fed State vs. the Non-Fed State

When we eat a meal, we enter the fed state. When the energy from that meal runs out, we start to get hungry and enter the non-fed (or fasting) state.

The non-fed state is great because that’s when we burn stored body fat. Recent research has shown that spending more time in the non-fed state can also improve digestive health, brain function, menopausal symptoms, allergy symptoms, and life span.  Spending time in the non-fed state can be rejuvenating and also stimulate our bodies to rebuild themselves.

Hunger is a Sign You're Burning Muscle

Unfortunately, there are some downsides that can accompany fasting, such as hunger.  Not only is hunger uncomfortable and distracting, but in my book, The Power of Fastercise, I discuss 7 reasons I believe that hunger is a sign that we are burning muscle.  It is also a sign that our metabolism is slowing down, which can lead to regaining the lost weight and then some. The Fastercise lifestyle isn’t so much about burning more calories. It’s about using instinctive exercises to push off your hunger so that you can remain comfortable, preserve your muscle, and maintain your metabolism while losing excess body fat and gaining the other benefits of spending more time in the non-fed state. The attached image shows me teaching doctors how to Fastercise at the 17th Annual Restorative Medicine Conference in San Diego in September 2019.

Applying Fastercise

You can instantly apply this science by signing up for the Fastercise Fitness Program at

You can also go to the Fastercise YouTube Channel to see videos on how to do Fastercise and be sure to hit the Subscribe button for more videos.

About the Author

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3. He also discovered the role exercise plays in managing appetite. He is the creator of Fastercise and the Co-Founder of Fastercise, LLC.

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